Have you ever wondered what it would be like to REALLY live like a hobbit, smoking your morning pipe and trekking the breathtaking trails of the Shire? As www.simondale.net shows, that dream has been realized!

We thank miss-hollys-musings.tumblr.com for spotting and posting about this! Here are her words:

I’ve always loved fairytale cottages ever since I was old enough to read fairytales, so when I read about this “hobbit home” a while back, I meant to reblog it, but completely forgot about it.
They designed and built it themselves, for only £3000, and it’s completely sustainable and eco-friendly. If only all modern houses could be made like this!
So now I can look at it every day on my dashboard and use it as inspiration when I (try) to build my own hobbit house. Who needs a mansion, eh?

All photos (and house) belong to www.simondale.net