A SERIES OF UNFORTUNATE EVENTS gets new life at Netflix!

The first teaser for Netflix’s A Series Of Unfortunate Events may be called “An Unfortunate Teaser”, yet it’s anything but unfortunate!

After a truly unfortunate 2004 movie adaptation that was more haphazard than it was childhood hi-jinks and troubles cleverly maneuvered by the Baudelaire orphans, Netflix announced in November that it take a go at the cult favorite series. The streaming service is working closely with Lemony Snicket himself (aka Daniel Handler) on the adaptation.

If this short trailer positively bursting with easter eggs from the books is any indication, then we’ll have a lot of “unfortunate” fun to look forward to soon!

The trailer was posted by “Eleanora Poe”, who you may remember is Lemony Snicket’s former boss at The Daily Punctilio in the books.