A magic-induced new world takes over on DC’s LEGENDS OF TOMORROW!

The legends of DC’s Legends of Tomorrow don’t have any more universe-altering screw-ups to fix… or so they think.

The San Diego Comic-Con trailer for Season 4 of The CW DC superhero show starts with the cast at ease– albeit a little restless– after setting the world right again. That changes in the Season 4 trailer, in which we see exactly how the world has tweaked with a little help from John Constantine: The legends have reintroduced new types of magic into the world, including dark magic among mortals. It looks like John will have to join the team to help straighten everything out!

Additionally, Ramona Young (Blockers) has joined the cast as in an original series regular role as Alaska Yu, an expert in fantastic beasts of legend who transforms herself into a kickass superhero with the help of the legends. Also joining is Tom Wilson (Back to the Future), who will play Nate’s father Hank, a lifetime military man who doesn’t know about his son’s heroic antics.

Season 4 of DC’s Legends of Tomorrow premieres on October 22, 2018.

By Kait

Kait is a New Englander, a YA book and adaptation lover, and a Slythindor, as well as a red velvet and red wine enthusiast. She likes to like things. Catch her on Twitter: @kaitmary