Rick Riordan Presents will serve as an imprint to all mythology-based books targeted to middle grade readers.

Rick Riordan now has three successful mythology series under his belt, and yet fans of his books are always asking for more. Greek and Roman mythology are very popular in general, but there are many other mythologies out there, including mythologies and folklore from different Asian regions, and even Native American-based.

But Uncle Rick can’t write them all, hence the reason for the imprint, which will be led editorial director of the imprint, Stephanie Owens Lurie. Lurie, who is Riordan’s editor, had this to say about the Percy Jackson author:

“Rick just can’t write fast enough to satisfy his fans,” said Lurie, whose official title will be editorial director of the imprint. “I think he’s doing an incredible job writing two books a year already.”

There’s also this: ”I know he feels that, in some instances, the books his readers are asking for him to write are really someone else’s story to tell,” Lurie said.


Stephanie Owens Lurie

The plan is to have two books out under the Imprint in 2018, but the are still working on the logistics, having to find the right authors to write the books that Riordan fans have been waiting for. And they’ll be looking for new writers as well as under-represented and still emerging writers.

“I am excited to bring this new imprint to the Disney Book Group with its spectacular track record of success,” Riordan said in a statement. (Riordan’s publicist said he was writing on deadline and not available for an interview.) “I can’t wait to get started on this new endeavor, finding and promoting other authors who write engaging middle grade fiction, supporting them in exploring the many fascinating mythologies of the world, and helping to broaden the spectrum of representation in publishing.”

Rick’s involvement will be more as curator, along with reviewing proposals and manuscripts, and promoting books and their authors both on social media and in-person.


By Molly

Molly is a proud Canadian who is currently attending university in Scotland. She loves to read, write, watch films, and talk about Sarah J. Maas books. If not snuggled up with a book, Molly can usually be found tapping at the dance studio, or writing yet another essay.