Recently Perri Nemiroff sat down with Emma Stone and clued her in on the fact she is many folks’ number one pick to play Johanna Mason.  Not only did Emma appear surprised by this, she was visibly flattered, it’s really cute!  See excerpt of Perri’s post on Cinema Blend below and make sure you click on the link to watch the video.

Even while covering one of the hottest movies of the summer, The Amazing Spider-Man, I’ve got The Hunger Games on the brain. Just before wrapping up a chat with the film’s Gwen Stacy, Emma Stone, I mentioned that she’s popped up on quite a few fan Catching Fire dream cast lists for the role of Johanna Mason and while she didn’t hint at whether or not that might be of interest to her, as a big fan of the books, she was extremely flattered.

Click HERE to see video of Emma’s adorable reaction and the rest of Perri’s Johanna picks!