Epic Reads just announced that RED QUEEN will be getting its very own coloring book, in lieu with many other recent YA books.

The release of King’s Cage by Victoria Aveyard is months away, Epic Reads recently announced that Red Queen is finally getting a coloring book. This book, which is filled with incredibly written, vibrant, and imaginative scenes, is a perfect choice for a visual representation like a coloring book. Not only will it have illustrations from scenes in the book, it will also have quotes that go along with them.

Throne of Glass
Throne of Glass Coloring Book

The very recent trend of adult coloring books have began taking the Young Adult genre by storm, with publishers releasing coloring books for Throne of Glass, The Lunar Chronicles, and, most notably, Harry Potter.

There are so many incredibly opportunities with a Red Queen coloring book. Not only are there a multitude of beautiful and powerful scenes to choose from (anywhere from the Queenstrial to the concluding fight scenes), there are also many quotes that could show up that we could have the chance to color in.


We can’t wait to see some of our favorite scenes coming to life with these coloring books.



