Perhaps the biggest on-screen disappointment of 2015 was Josh Trank’s Fantastic Four, which bombed among critics and fans alike, all while stirring up some major controversy between the director and FOX studios. Now, there’s a Fantastic Four Honest Trailer to remind us of all that was and could have been!
The Fantastic Four Honest trailer covers many of the standard movie complaints, including casting, dullness, and the general lack of plot, but it does so with a certain snarky flair that others haven’t msutered up in their critiques!
All things considered, we think these guys could have been much harsher on the film. Still, it’s not like the movie really needed any additional criticism.
In a happy little coincidence, is reporting that FOX just removed the Fantastic Four sequel from its movie line-up today. It’s a huge success for the fans who’d like to see the rights sold elsewhere.