This is actually VERY cool! This elaborate sculpture titles “Hand of the King” is made completely out of balloons!
This impressive piece is the work of Phileas Flash’s Balloons who had this to say about the sculpture:
“Have you ever seen the Iron Throne? The barbs along the back, the ribbons of twisted steel, the jagged ends of swords and knives all tangled up and melted? It is not a comfortable seat ser. Aerys cut himself so often men took to calling him King Scab, and Maegor the Cruel was murdered in that chair. By that chair, to hear some tell it. It is not a seat where a man can rest as ease.” Stannis Baratheon (A song of Fire and Ice by George RR Martin)
I had a vision a few weeks ago to make the Iron throne from Game of Thrones out of balloons. The most iconic image of that chair is of Ned Stark (the Hand of the King, played by #SeanBean), so here is my tribute to that amazing image.
The balloon itself can be viewed at Prairie Gardens ( for the remainder of the weekend.
Please share this image if you like it, the balloon took 16 hours and a lot of sweat to make. I love the George R R Martin books, so wanted to do them justice.