Check out this amazing fan made HARRY POTTER trailer! 

Independent production company Tryangle Films has released a trailer for a Harry Potter fan film that explores how the infamous Voldemort came to be. Although not affiliated with JK Rowling or the cinematic universe, the trailer for Voldemort: Origins of the Heir boasts impressive visual effects and cinematography.

The film is still in production. In the meantime, check out the trailer below!

“Voldemort: Origins of the Heir” is a non-profit fan film, inspired by the Harry Potter universe. The idea was born while re-reading the sixth book of the saga […]

What made Tom Riddle become Voldemort? What happened in those years, and what really went down at Hogwarts when he came back? There are some clues in the books which have not been transposed at all in the movies, but a lot goes unspoken. This is the story we want to tell: the rise of the Dark Lord before Harry Potter and his first demise.

Read more about the film and its team here.

Harry Potter




