If you’re in the San Diego area for Comic Con this year and you have a great affinity for Middle Earth, you might want to mark your calendars down for Saturday, July 20. As sdccblog.com reports, The Hobbit is expected to be featured in the Warner Bros. Pictures panel.
Here are the details:
That’s right – a Warner Bros. Pictures rep has just confirmed for us that its Hall H panel will again be on the Saturday of Comic-Con this year.
We can only imagine the films which will be included in its presentation. Just looking at our Movies of SDCC 2013 preview, we list The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug, Alfonso Cuarón’s Gravity starring George Clooney, and the first real footage of Godzilla. Not to mention all the news about the DC cinematic universe. And those are just some of the things we’re expecting to hear – we imagine WB will slip in a few surprises as well. Continue…
A key thing to watch out for is the crowd’s reaction to the frames-per-second ratio. Last year, the reactions were mixed to the 48 frames per second presentation of The Hobbit, but viewers may have grown more used to it now. Also, you have to figure Peter Jackson and co. will hone their technique, making the visuals more palatable for dissenting types. The response should be very exciting!