Where will you be getting your House of Hades novel next week?  Well, here’s some options for you, which will include exclusive items for each of the listed sellers.

Sam’s Club and Walmart Exclusive:


Camp Half-Blood and Camp Jupiter bumper stickers

Target Exclusive:

HoH-doorhanger  HoH-doorhanger-otherside
Door hanger, one side saying “Welcome to Mt. Olympus” and the other side saying “Do Not Enter or All Hades Will Break Loose!”

Barnes & Noble Exclusive:

Full color Tartarus map (image shown is only non-spoilery top portion)

Where will you be purchasing your book?  Essentially, it’s the story that matters, so enjoy the book, wherever you purchase it!

via Myth & Mystery.

By Kait

Kait is a New Englander, a YA book and adaptation lover, and a Slythindor, as well as a red velvet and red wine enthusiast. She likes to like things. Catch her on Twitter: @kaitmary