Recently Lee Pace gave an interview about his character Ronan the Accuser in this summer’s Guardians of the Galaxy. He talks about Ronan’s evilness in the interview from Yahoo! movies below:

“At first, when I started working on him, I was thinking, ‘We’ve seen so many great performances of villains by very talented actors in superhero movies. I’ve got to find something relatable about this guy.’ But the more I played him, the more fun I had with just being evil,” Pace told Yahoo! Movies, jokingly describing his character as simply “super, super evil.”
“He’s like Osama bin Laden – he’s like a religious fanatic,” the former Pushing Daisies actor said. He did caution against reading too much into the character, however. “He’s an alien — there’s no kind of human rules. There’s nothing to relate to, actually. It just became, like, the more dark I could conceive of him, the more I understood him.”

Another interesting tidbit about Ronan the Accuser(SPOILERS for Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD ahead): In the comic books, Ronan is part of the law enforcement agency of the alien race known as the Kree. Rumoured by fans and supposedly confirmed by SHIELD star Chloe Bennett, the blue alien that is somehow responsible for Coulson’s resurrection is a Kree. Whether this means that the Kree will have a large role in Guardians or if they’ll have a role in SHIELD remains to be seen.
Will you see Guardians of the Galaxy in August? Does this possible connection between the film and the TV show pique your interest? Sound off in the comments below!