
The recent episode of HBO’s Game of Thrones, titled The Mountain and The Viper, had a lot of really crazy character developments (as well as another amazingly horrific fate for one of them), but one that has gotten people curious about is when the Hound and his traveling “companion” Arya Stark attempt to visit her Aunt Lysa at the Eyrie, who they find out is dead, at which point Arya can’t help but laugh.

But why?

Here’s Maisie Williams‘ explanation:

“That was my favorite reaction of Arya’s ever. There’s so much speculation on the Internet, whether she’s laughing at The Hound and how ridiculous he now looks because he doesn’t have a plan of action, or whether she’s laughing at the fact that she now really has no one, or whether she’s just that messed up now because she doesn’t really know how she feels inside, and just laughs and goes with it.


“When I was doing it, it was more a reaction to The Hound. This whole time he’s been giving her such a hard time. He’s so in control, and he’s this tough guy, saying he’s going to take me to my aunt in the Vale and ‘I’m going to get my money and I don’t care about you, I just want my money.’ And all of a sudden this happens, and Arya completely loves it. And through laughter, she’s saying, ‘Now what are you going to do?’ It’s fascinating to see this little girl giggling in the sunlight.”

Maisie stated that was the hardest thing she’s had to do since filming the series.  Normally, that would be something that doesn’t make sense, but when it comes to filming scenes from Game of Thrones, it makes perfect sense.  Especially when you’re supposed to be this hardened killer who hasn’t laughed about anything since throwing food on her older sister’s face so long ago.

Speaking of sister, Maisie added this:

“I’ve been talking to Sophie [Turner] about it because both of our characters have taken huge turns this year, and we’ve been showing completely different emotions.  We’ve been chatting about how strange it’s been that our characters are developing so differently, and we’re finding ourselves doing things on set that we never thought we’d do.”

Read the recap of 4.8 (The Mountain and The Viper) here, or check out the clip:

via Inside TV |