Just recently we learned that Bran Stark and Hodor’s storyline will be absent from season 5 due to the timeline of the events. Now we will get more of the mysterious character their journey led them to, The Three-Eyed Raven. Though not in the way you think.

Brewery Ommegang announced that their latest creation will be in honor of the “series’ most mysterious cast member” and will be released alongside the season 5 premiere next year.



For those that are into the whole beer details here’s a description of the ingredients:

“a carefully crafted mixture of specialty malts, including malted rye, midnight wheat (provides depth of color but not the roasty flavor of a dark beer), and dark candi sugar. It’s hopped with Hallertau Spalt Select, Tettnang, and Bravo hops, which give the beer a spicy, fruity character. A fair amount of late-addition hops are added for character. Three-Eyed Raven is fermented and bottle-conditioned with Ommegang’s signature house yeast. Saison qualities dominate Three-Eyed Raven with fruity esters, clean floral hops aromas, a light malt character with just a hint of roast and a pleasant yeastiness in the taste, and a crisp finish with lingering herbal hops and dry rye notes.”

Source: Nerdist