The Last Hours snippet reveals Lucie staring at an unnamed male character
We’re probably a year or two away from the first book of The Last Hours, however, that didn’t stop Cassandra Clare from releasing a snippet involving Lucie staring at a handsome looking man. In other words, a “hot guy.”
He really did have a most arresting face, Lucie thought. She firmly believed it was all right to stare at people when you were a writer. Writers needed to gather material. That was all there was to it.
Of course, Cassie doesn’t make it easy for us by telling us who Lucie is staring at. It’s probably a good thing, though, as some snippets don’t make it to the final draft of the novel.
She did give us an idea of what year we may expect to get to read book one on TLH:
2016 TDA 1
2017 TDA 2
? TLH 1
? TDA 3Etc. But none of this is set in stone, and I feel very squirrelly about even suggesting dates and order, because they are not final. In the past, when I’ve said a date was tentative and it was then moved, as tentative dates are, people have asked in droves why the book was pushed back.
Source: TMI Source