knepperRobert Knepper, who has been cast as Antonius in Mockingay has revealed to MTV that even HE doesn’t know much about the character he’s playing!

“I don’t even know yet!” Knepper said laughing. “I know what I read for. I read, this was last summer… This is a huge movie. This is a huge two movies, and I know that what I got is not what I’ll end up doing, they’re so secretive about this.”
For roles in blockbusters like “Hunger Games,” this is pretty typical: an actor will audition for a role reading “sides,” short pieces of script that give the sense of the character while not actually being from the movie’s script itself. This is done not just to prevent leaks and spoilers, but also because a character as they appear in the movie may have minimal dialogue that doesn’t suggest everything a casting director needs to see in an audition.
Knepper did get the part, though, and will be heading to Paris in April to shoot his segment of the mega-franchise. Hopefully by then he’ll have a better idea of what to expect.
“You’re going to find out when I find out,” Knepper continued. “Well, I’ll find out a little bit sooner than you, but I still haven’t found out for sure!”