Natalie C. Parker wrote a story about young women coming together and fighting back, and now she’s talking about some of her favorites with that theme!

Prepare to be obsessed! Natalie C. Parker‘s Seafire is a Mad Max hits the high seas adventure packed with action, fantastical worldbuilding, and wildly memorable characters, and it’s available in bookstores now!

Seafire isn’t only a high-speed fantasy, it’s centrally focused on young women working together as a sisterhood not only to survive in a cruel world, but to topple their enemies in badass fashion.

In honor of the novel’s release, Natalie C. Parker is stopping by to talk about her favorite stories focused on sisterhood and survival. Check out her list below!

Practical Magic by Alice Hoffman was formative for me. I saw the movie before I read the book and I lovelovelove every pair of sisters in that story—the aunts, Sally and Gilly, and Sally’s daughters Kylie and Antonia. But the moment that gets me every single time I watch that film is the one at the end, when all the ladies in town come together because Gilly needs help. When they clasp hands and drive the super bad spirit from her, I’m like YEAH PHONE TREES AND MAGIC SPELLS FTW!

I am unapologetic trash for The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. I’m not saying it’s because I’m a hopeless mix of Sagittarius and Gryffindor. And I’m not saying it’s because I have a little sister. But a girl who throws herself on the nonexistent mercy of a dystopian dictator for the love of her family is my kind of girl.

The Brooklyn Brujas series by Zoraida Córdova features an incredible trio of sisters who’ve been raised in a tradition of magic right in the heart of Brooklyn. I definitely spent too many hours wishing I had magic in high school and reading these books is a little like a dream come true. So far, we’ve had Alex’s story in Labyrinth Lost and Lula’s story in Bruja Born. Next up, little sister Rose will get her own book and I cannot WAIT to see what’s in store for her.

Okay, the world of Dhonielle Clayton’s The Belles is a little too horrifying for this Gryffittarius, but the sisters in it are utterly captivating. Not only do the Belles control beauty, but they’re at the center of political designs that literally keep them separated and disempowered. In order to change the world (and probably to save themselves), they have to find ways to bridge the manufactured distances between themselves. And that’s more than enough to hook this Sagindor.

Finally, the sisterhood in Justina Ireland’s Dread Nation is fierce and complicated. In this Civil War-era story of what happens after the zombie apocalypse, survival means something different to the two girls caught up in the machinations of opportunistic gasbags. I am ABSOLUTELY terrified of zombies and ABSOLUTELY unable to keep my distance from them, and this tale left me absolutely awed.

If you love these books and movies, you’ll love Seafire‘s badass ladies ruling over the day. Order the novel now via Amazon or support your local bookstore via Indiebound!


By Kait

Kait is a New Englander, a YA book and adaptation lover, and a Slythindor, as well as a red velvet and red wine enthusiast. She likes to like things. Catch her on Twitter: @kaitmary