Many fans of Doctor Who and Sherlock would love to see the two worlds collide, after all there is no shortage of fan-made realizations of this for example, AVByte’s “Wholock — The Musical”, but is there any chance of this happening for real?? When asked this very question, Steven Moffat said he’d be open to it, but it’s the rest of the Sherlock cast that opposes.


From Radio Times:

“Look I’m going to come clean on this: I would,” said Moffat. “Go speak to Cumberbatch, Freeman, Gatiss and Vertue, OK? They’re all in the way. I’m not the killjoy, it’s that lot. It’s probably not going to happen.”

Moffat sympathised with the load groans from the audience: “I know!” he squealed, “What a bunch of killjoys I work with.”

Despite his own enthusiasm for the project, Moffatt can understand why it might be a bad idea. “You know in some ways, I think Mark’s got a point when he says that however good you imagine [the crossover], it would be almost better in your imagination than it would be if the two grand old egotists actually met. They’d just both go off in opposite corners and sulk that there was someone cleverer than them. [Imitating Sherlock/The Doctor] ‘No, I’m not going to do it, he can do it.'”

So, it looks a crossover is not, and most likely never will be, in the works.  Do you think they have a point though?  Would such a meeting be better in our imaginations, than in reality?  Let us know what you think!