On The Walking Dead, the residents of Alexandria have make a devastating deal with the residents of a new-found, nearby colony called Hilltop: They’ve taken many of Hilltop’s supplies and in exchange, they’ll have to take out Hilltop’s biggest threat. Of course, that threat is Negan and his group, The Saviors. Uh oh!

We’re not seeing any action between the Alexandrians and The Saviors in this new preview, but the trailer definitely hints heavily at the fact that two group will clash, possibly by the end of the episode!

In a new clip from the episode, Rick brings the Alexandria residents to the church to explain why they’re going after The Saviors and what an alliance with Hilltop would mean for them. Everyone seems fairly attuned to what Rick has to say, but there’s one notable exception who is very uncomfortable: Morgan.

The Walking Dead returns with ‘Not Tomorrow Yet’ this Sunday, March 6th.

Official Synopsis:

Rick and the group realize the only way to maintain the peace of Alexandria is to fight a new enemy. This time, though, our group might be outmatched.


By Nat, the Geek Girl

Southern California native who likes movies, books (Shadowhunter Chronicles, NA, YA fantasy, Red Rising series), TV shows (The Sandman), and San Diego Comic-Con. I also like to write, but don't get to do much of that aside from on here. I fell into the BTS rabbit hole, and I refuse to leave.