Today is a great day to be a Shadowhunter. In her promotional campaign for CoHF, called #TMITuesdays, Cassandra Clare is keeping her promise of release new and exclusive goodies for us as we wait for the release of the final book in the The Mortal Instruments series.

This exclusive release is a BIG one.

We get a HUGE excerpt from the first chapter of the book. Cassie reads a portion of it, but then there is more for us to read on our own. And dare I say — it was so good! We get some parabatai love, some Clace, and some Magnus. Quite the treat!

Thanks to our friends at TMI Source, here is the transcript of the excerpt that Cassie reads.

From Chapter 1:

Jace broke off the kiss. Before Clary could say anything, a chorus of sarcastic applause came out from the nearby hill. Simon, Isabelle and Alec waved at them.

Jace said, “Shall we join our annoying and voyeuristic friends?”

“Unfortunately, that’s the only kind of friends we have.” Clary rubbed her shoulder against his arm and they headed up towards to the rocks. Simon and Isabelle were side by side, talking quietly. Alec was sitting a little apart, staring at the screen of his phone with an expression of intense concentration.

Jace threw himself down next to his parabatai, “I’ve heard if you stare at those things enough, they’ll ring.”

“He’s been texting Magnus,” said Isabelle glancing over with a disapproving look.

“I haven’t,” Alec said automatically.

“Yes you have,” said Jace craning to look over Alec’s shoulder, “and calling. I can see your outgoing calls.”

“It’s his birthday,” Alec flipped the phone shut. 

Click here to unlock and read the rest of the excerpt!

City of Heavenly Fire comes out on May 27th! So close, yet so far!

City of Heavenly Fire Cover

I continue to grow more and more excited anticipating what Cassie has up her sleeve in dealing with our lovely Shadowhunters and Downworlders!

The countdown continues!