James Dashner just did a Q&A with Publishers Weekly and he gave us a great insight into what we will be seeing from him in the future.

When asked about the state of the movie adaption of “The Maze Runner”:

It is in development at 20th Century Fox, but it is not going to be out in 2013, even though that’s what it says on IMDB. I don’t really hear that much, but they have a script and basically they are just interviewing directors. I really think it’s going to happen, but Hollywood is a slow go sometimes.

Future projects:

I have a new YA series with Random House that will be announced probably in a month or two. The first book is already done and it will come out next fall. We’re keeping tight-lipped about it, but it probably has the coolest twist ending I will ever write.

I guess this is the mystery book that we reported from a Q&A a while back. As always, we will keep you posted on this future project. Because this project is so hush, hush give us your predictions in the comments. You could guess right!

You can read the entire interview here. He talks about whether he would want to be in the movie or not and a bit about the first book in the Infinity ring series that will be released on August 28th.