Executive Producers answer Once Upon a Time burning questions!

Once Upon a Time executive producers Adam Horowitz and Edward Kitsis spoke with EW for a special finale Q&A. The Once bosses got the option of either answer questions with “Yes,” “No,” “Can’t say,” or “Next season.” Check out the Q&A below to get the scoop on what we’ll see in the last episodes of the season and what we will hopefully get to see next season!

Could Emma have just put half her heart in Hook’s corpse after he died to revive him?

Have we seen the last of the DarkSwan house?
You mean Emma’s new house? No. That is her new home. It is no longer going to be housing Excalibur in the basement. Maybe she’ll put in a foosball table. That is very much her place.

Is there a meaning behind the nursery in Emma’s house in the Underworld?
 The meaning is, like when Rumple goes to his shop and we see a lot of the things from his past are there in his face, it’s the past coming back to haunt you. We did it visually to remind Emma of that time, here’s the nursery she never got to live in.

Will there be more Emma and Regina team-ups using magic?

Will Henry’s job as the author play a role in the finale?

Will we ever see Henry’s younger years prior to the book?
 Can’t say.

Could Henry still be Rumple’s undoing?
Can’t say.

Is there any hope that the character who is dying this season will come back?
There is always a chance. You know, you never die in flashbacks.

In the aftermath of the funeral, will the Charming-Mills family bind together even tighter?
 Or the reverse could happen.

Could the death cause Regina to revert back to the Evil Queen?
Oooh, good question. Can’t say. The reason we can’t is because we can’t say there’s been a death.

Was it originally planned for Regina to face more of her victims in the Underworld?
No. For us, we liked the idea that she had to get closure with her family. We loved having the victims that were there go up. A bunch of villagers we’ve never met before we didn’t think was as interesting as putting her in an arc with her sister, mom, and dad.

Will we ever explore Snow White’s dynamic with her mother again?
HOROWITZ: It would be next season.

Been loving Snow and Charming in 5B. Will we get to see more of them on adventures together?
 We would sure hope so. We’d love to have many more adventures with Snow and Charming being adventuresome.
KITSIS: We would really love next season to see Snow and Charming in full adventure mode.
HOROWITZ: It would be great to see more of the Bandit Snow and Charming, and some of the swashbuckling romantic stuff that we started with the two of them. So for sure, we’re totally on board for that.

Will we see Killian and David working together?
 Only if he’s alive.

Will Zeus play a part in saving Hook from the Underworld?
Can’t say.

Click HERE to read the entire Q&A!

Emma's Dark Side