Get a summary of STRANGER THINGS Season 1 by watching Millie Bobby Brown rap!

Fans of Stranger Things will have no doubt fallen in love with Millie Bobby Brown, who plays Eleven in the Netflix series. If you find yourself in need of a recap of Stranger Things season one before watching the second season, you can watch Millie rapping out  on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon.

The video is able to capture the whole season in a nutshell. Not only is it incredibly adorable, it is quite useful if you need a refresher as well!

Watch the video below!

Stranger Things Season 2 is now available to watch on Netflix.

By Kait

Kait is a New Englander, a YA book and adaptation lover, and a Slythindor, as well as a red velvet and red wine enthusiast. She likes to like things. Catch her on Twitter: @kaitmary