GAME OF THRONES Season 6 teaser reminds us we’re all clueless.

“They have no idea what’s going to happen,” says Bran Stark, back from his Season 5 hiatus, in the first Game of Thrones Season 6 teaser trailer. And damn it all if he’s not right!

The sixth season of the show marks the first that isn’t (mostly) following George R.R. Martin’s A Song of Ice And Fire series, as George is still working on the sixth book, The Winds of Winter, with no release date in sight. For the first time, readers can’t prepare themselves for the story ahead of time, nor can they spoil it for anyone else. When it comes to the story, every guess is a possibility.

The trailer also continues with the “Jon Snow is alive” angle, though it’s quite possible it’s all a major fake-out. It’s also interesting to note that the quick flashes after that focus heavily on the Starks and Lannisters, with a quick look at Daenerys and Drogon. So many fan theories for the future explored in just a few quick flashbacks!

Game of Thrones returns in April 2016.

game of thrones season 6 teaser

By Kait

Kait is a New Englander, a YA book and adaptation lover, and a Slythindor, as well as a red velvet and red wine enthusiast. She likes to like things. Catch her on Twitter: @kaitmary