We showed you the video tribute to the Mother of Dragons Daenerys Stormborn and all that, and now we have Tyrion Lannister, Hand of the Queen!
Every Game of Thrones fan’s favorite Imp has had some troubling issues to get through, including being almost killed by his father, only to have his lover cheat on him with said man. And although Tyrion Lannister took his revenge swiftly with the Lannister patriarch, its led to even more peril the dwarf.
**Warning: Spoilers to Game of Thrones, obviously**
Alas, by the end of season 6, it seems that Tyrion has found his place among Daenerys Targaryen and her army as the Hand of the Queen.
Peter Dinklage has mastered the role of the Imp to perfection, and this video tribute shows just how much his portrayal is worthy of the Emmys he was awarded in 2011 and again in 2015 for playing him. So, watch this, one of the three Game of Thrones tributes created by The Garo Studios, and be astounded yet again.
Check out the Daenerys Targaryen and Jon Snow tribute videos as well.
Source: Nerdist