Josh Horowitz of MTV recently interviewed Josh Hutcherson where we learn what he’s thankful for this year. The complete interview can be found here.
“I’m very thankful [for 2012] as well,” Hutcherson said. “I had a lot of work that came out this year and was pretty successful thus far, so it was exciting for me. It definitely exceeded my expectations.”
Speaking specifically to “The Hunger Games,” Hutcherson said that in embarking upon an international press tour, he was able to see just how widespread the enthusiasm is for the film, as well as experience a couple big “firsts.”
As huge as The Hunger Games is, Hutcherson is thankful for more than just that:
Hutcherson isn’t just thankful for “The Hunger Games” in the last year; he’s also happy to have discovered new music and grateful for a second season of the saucy reality show “Gigolos.”
“I’m thankful that I’ve been turned on to the Lumineers,” Hutcherson said of the “Ho Hey” group. “I am still watching ‘Gigolos.’ I haven’t been caught up to date on the latest episode, but when I was in Atlanta, I was getting my Gigolo on — I was watching the ‘Gigolos’ TV show.”